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I’ve often been told focus on one thing at a time when it comes to Entrepreneurship. “Don’t spread yourself too thin” The first time I heard that comment was 6 years ago. Because of my ADHD I am capable of creating without burning myself out. Why? Because I’ve learned to allow my ADHD to do what it does best. Subject hop. In school this was seen as a major issue so at one point I had to take Medication to help me focus. When I got into highschool I started mastering what I had seen as a flaw for so long. I hated not being able to focus on one thing at a time. 9th grade I remained a straight A student. 10th grade I remained a great student. 11th grade I started to struggle with more complex learning skills like Algebra. Calculus. I hated math. I was always able to create my own methods for my thought style and to this day my math skills are fast and accurate. People hear me solving problems and just look so confused at how we got the same answer. Lol, I mastered my own way of overcoming that obstacle (with extra help ofc). To figure out that I didn’t have to do things everyone else’s way is what brought me to my highschool breakthrough. I had finally started to see who Alicia really was and just how complex her mind is. Half of the time I’m lost trying to keep up with my own mind. Once I started applying that “Self Approval” to my everyday conflicts I quickly figured out out to manage my ADHD on another level. Yes, I still get side tracked, I still goof off, It’s still hard for me to focus at times. As a matter a fact, Typing things like this are incredibly hard for me just because I subject hop! Public speaking is even harder! Lol anyway, I’m basically saying I stopped stressing because I couldn’t do it the way everyone else was doing it. I always felt sooooo stupidddddd you guys because I just could not understand some things the way they were presented to me. I figured out something I had been told since I was little. Something we’ve ALL probably heard in grade school. Everyone 👏🏼 Is 👏🏼 Different 👏🏼 But you know this right? Or don’t you? Moreover, Because I had bashed myself and tried so hard not to mess up.. I messed up. Literally! I kept a gift God gave me to master and basically tried to suppress it! That prevented me from learning how to use my “disability” as a Super power sooner! Because I am able to hop from project to project I avoid Artists block. I avoid burning myself out. I avoid over working. I avoid the overwhelming feeling of not knowing what’s missing or how I want this particular project/brand to look! It’s like a refresh button for me personally! The slate becomes clear! That is why I am such a great creative and entrepreneur. I have consistency for each and every last one of my projects. This is why I’m able to create such broad arrays of Website styles and branding products. It’s literally all because I am me and accepted me. I am self driven. I am successful. I am a young queen. Please remember that just because you are not able to do whatever everyone else does the way They do it does NOT mean that you cannot do it at all!! There is only one you! Nobody can do you better than you! You may be different from everyone else!! You may see certain goals the average minded person is incapable of seeing! Do the best with YOU. Watch how many doors open!

Fun Fact: I was literally only supposed to be posting a 4 second video ad to Facebook but typed an entire blog post. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Lol, good old fashioned ADHD. 😂💕

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